Football Nation Premium

Take the bot to the next level

Manage notifications, customize the bot style, make it look like it's your own bot...


£ / € / $ 5 per month
For Turkey ₺ 45 per month
Other currencies converted
10 days free trial
Cancel anytime 👍

Unlock maximum potential

  • ✅ Only admins can execute commands
  • ✅ Customize bot name and logo, make it your own
  • ✅ Get in the priority queue 🚀 you get notified before free users
  • ✅ Manage the bot via the web interface
  • ✅ Automate commands like /league-table
  • ✅ Choose what notifications are sent
  • ✅ Enable rest start and end notifications 💤
  • ✅ Customize the embed color (defaults to green)
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